Your Vote Matters and Here is Why You Should VOTE!

Voting is a right and privilege. You play a role in deciding the future of your community. Your opinion matters and your vote counts. Voting helps ensure that you're represented. Voting empowers you to be more aware of what's going on in your community and country. Voting ensures that your voice is heard

Your voice. Your vote. Make your voice heard. Vote 2022.

Voting is a right and privilege.

Voting is a right and privilege.

Your vote can make you powerful!

Even if you don't know much about politics, voting will give you the chance to have your voice heard. What's more, your vote counts—and it's secret. You can't be forced to vote for any person or party in particular, nor can anyone force you to show them how or for whom you voted. That being said, there are still ways for politicians and government officials to try and manipulate elections through voter suppression tactics like gerrymandering (disproportionately redrawing electoral boundaries) or passing legislation requiring photo ID at polling stations—but these things are illegal! The only other way someone might discover how you've voted is if they ask directly while waiting outside a polling station (and even then they would need permission from each voter).

You play a role in deciding the future of your community.

You play a role in deciding the future of your community. You are part of a collective that makes up your community, and therefore, you have a voice. It may seem small or insignificant, but your actions can speak louder than words. Your vote matters because it is heard by elected officials and candidates who want to be elected.

Your opinion matters and your vote counts.

Your vote counts. Your opinion matters. You can make a difference.

In the United States, we have the privilege of voting in every election and no matter what party or candidate you choose to support, your opinion matters because each vote has an impact on the outcome of elections. It’s important to know that one person’s vote can make a difference!

For example: In 2016 Ohio governor John Kasich won by a narrow margin (1%) against his Democratic opponent Ted Strickland who had already served as Governor from 2007-2011 prior to serving as U.S Senator from 2011-2019 where he lost re-election in 2016 due to health problems that required him stepping down early from his position before completing his term in office making Ted Strickland ineligible running again until 2022 when he could possibly seek another term as governor if elected once again but this time with hopes of being elected President instead instead losing re-election again 2020 due lack campaigning hard enough during primaries leading up presidential election campaign despite having lots positive things going for them such as Hillary Clinton pulling out race leaving only Bernie Sanders left running against Donald Trump both candidates lost badly despite having huge amounts funding behind them -$30 million spent alone by Hillary Clinton campaign alone -with no avail since Bernie Sanders spent very little amount compared other candidates yet still ended up winning handily beating second place candidate by double digits over 60% voter turnout nationwide which showed how effective people power is when used correctly."

Voting helps ensure that you're represented.

The most important reason to vote is that it gives you a voice in who represents you. You can elect people who best reflect your values and interests, and they'll be working on your behalf in government. It's also important to note that voting helps ensure that the issues important to you are discussed at all!

If we don't vote, our voices won't be heard. And if we don't speak out about what matters most to us—whether it's climate change or women's rights—then others will speak for us instead of with us in order to make decisions about our lives and communities.

Voting empowers you to be more aware of what's going on in your community and country.

Voting empowers you to be more aware of what's going on in your community and country. This is important because being informed helps you understand the issues that matter most to you and your family, like education, health care, jobs and transportation. Your vote may also help make sure that politicians are doing their job responsibly.

Voting makes you feel like a part of something bigger than yourself because it gives people from all walks of life an equal opportunity to help shape their communities' future. By participating in elections with their voice at the ballot box, everyone can have a say in what happens next!

Voting ensures that your voice is heard.

Voting is a way to make your voice heard. It’s the one chance you have each year to have a say in how this country is run, and it's something we should all be taking advantage of.

When you vote, your opinion counts—and there are so many things that you can do with it! From helping decide who runs for office on down to deciding issues like gun control or climate change policy, voting has an impact on every aspect of our lives as Americans.

Voting ensures that your voice is heard. The act itself empowers individuals who feel disenfranchised or marginalized by society at large because they belong to minority groups or been victims of discrimination; it allows them an opportunity not just listen but also be listened too by people in power positions who might otherwise ignore their concerns if they didn't show up at polling places on Election Day looking like voters would expect them too (i.e., white men).

Your vote matters!

Voting is a right, but it’s also a privilege. It's our chance to have a say in the future of our community and country. To be able to vote for who we think will best represent us, and fight for our interests. Your opinion matters! Your vote counts!

Voting helps ensure that you're represented by someone who shares your values, concerns, and vision for the future—someone who will stand up for what’s important to you when it comes time to make decisions that affect your life.

Voting empowers you to be more aware of what's going on in your community and country. By being informed about how things work—and why they work that way—you can become more engaged with issues that matter most to you. Having knowledge allows you take action when necessary and speak out against injustice wherever it occurs..


We hope that this article has helped you understand the importance of voting and how it can impact your community. When you vote, you’re helping make decisions that shape our society for years to come. You also have the opportunity to get involved with local organizations or initiatives that are important to you.


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